Jalan Anak Bukit Condo URA Concept Tender by Far East
The Jalan Anak Bukit Condo URA concept tender is now open. Developers are invited to submit their concept proposals to develop this land parcel. Concept proposals must include pedestrian networks, public spaces, high-quality interiors, and integrated public amenities. The successful concept proposals will move to the next evaluation stage. The award decision will be published later. A shortlist of the finalists will be announced on January 24, 2018.
Jalan Anak Bukit Condo URA Concept Tender by Far East
A mixed-use development is slated to rise on the site of the former Beauty World MRT station. The Reserve Residences will feature 1,100 units. In addition to residential space, it will feature an integrated transport hub, retail outlets, a hawker centre, and a community hub. The project will also include a MRT station and a bus interchange. As it is in the central business district, the Reserve Residences is expected to launch in the coming years.
The development is slated to include commercial and civic spaces within a 99-year leasehold property. It is being developed in a joint venture between the Far East Organization and the Sino Group. It is expected to open by 2022. The Reserve Residences’ location near Bukit Timah Nature Park and the Central Water Catchment Area will make it an ideal location for residents to live close to nature.
Jalan Anak Bukit Condo URA Concept Tender is located close to several schools and establishments. It will be about one to two km from a MRT station, making it convenient to commute. A nearby school is ideal for families with children, as it is just a short walk away. The Reserve Residences will be convenient for commuters because the development is accessible via the MRT station. Aside from being close to amenities, residents will also enjoy easy access to public transportation.
Jalan Anak Bukit Condo URA Concept Tender is a mixed development located at Jalan Anak Bukit. The site will feature a transport hub, improving the accessibility of the surrounding precinct and adding vibrancy to the lives of residents. The Reserve Residences will include commercial and residential spaces, as well as an underground pedestrian link to the Beauty World MRT station. The Reserve Residences will be a great investment opportunity for both young and old entrepreneurs.
The Far East Organization is Singapore’s largest private property development company. Its subsidiaries are located in Malaysia, China, and Australia. The company has been around since 1960, and has experience developing property in every segment. They have developed over 55,000 homes and seventy projects around the world. Far East Organization is now the largest private residential landlord in the city. However, there are no guarantees in the final selection.
Three companies have submitted concept proposals. One of these companies, Phoenix Residential and Phoenix Commercial, tied up with Far East Organization Singapore and Dubai World’s Istithmar Beach Road FZE, was the highest bidder. The winning bid, equivalent to about $1,888 per square foot, was the highest of five shortlisted tenderers. In addition, Far East Organization also has Sino Group and Sekisui House as partners.
In a public tender, the Urban Redevelopment Authority declared the winning developer of One Holland Village. The winning developer was Far East, which had the highest price and the best concept. The land will have a maximum GFA of 10,030 sqm and is conveniently accessible via major arterial roads and expressways like the Ayer Rajah Expressway and Pan Island Expressway. It is important to note that the URA did not show favoritism in the process. Instead, it acted fairly, allowing the winning developer to present a compelling concept.
Maximum gross floor area for non commercial element is approximately 75 % of overall gross floor area
The maximum permitted gross floor area for a non commercial element is roughly 75 percent of the overall building’s total floor area. This figure includes basements, elevator shafts, stair wells at each story, and floor space for mechanical equipment. It also includes attics and penthouses. However, it excludes basements, cellars, and stair bulkheads.
There are several different definitions for floor area, and these may change from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Floor area is almost always a gross measurement because it includes uninhabitable space. In addition, lot area should be defined by the minimum buildable parcel area. While both types of floors must have a certain ratio, the maximum allowed for a non commercial element is 75 percent of the total building’s overall gross floor area.
Density in downtown areas depends on the public transportation system. For example, buses travel four miles per hour on business streets. These buses can carry approximately 1,200 people per lane. Thus, a large-bulk building can increase the density without causing congestion. A higher density is also possible when transit capacity increases. If the transportation system can handle the added volume of people, the development will be feasible at a higher density.
The ratio also has several benefits. It is applicable to all types of structures and lots of various sizes. Besides being a quick measure of the building’s capacity, it also removes incentives to squeeze extra stories into the allowed volume. This ratio also makes it possible to use new construction techniques without compromising the density of a building. And the maximum area for a non commercial element is approximately 75 % of overall gross floor area.
In industrial zones, the floor area ratio is less useful. Because modern plants share many characteristics, they do not always have uniform floor areas within a zone. Industrial zones, on the other hand, are classified on the basis of nuisance characteristics of manufacturing processes, so it is not very useful for this purpose. This ratio, however, is still worth exploring. If you are planning a non commercial element in a high-bulk zone, the floor area ratio may be useful.
A convenience market is a building that sells food, dry goods, and medicine. It may also sell gasoline, packaged liquor, and some other items. A convenience market also has a cooking element, which is defined as a kitchen. The cooking area includes stoves, ovens, microwaves, and grill space. The space does not include counter space, food preparation areas, and walkways.
Moreover, maximum floor area for non-commercial elements is generally about 75 percent of the overall gross floor area of the building. Building segments can be grouped together, and each segment can have one or more dwelling units. Non-commercial elements are separated by a bulk regulation. A bulkhead is an enclosed structure on the roof that may house water tanks or mechanical equipment. This structure is not considered part of the building’s floor area, but it is allowed to exceed setbacks and zoning height.
Schools nearby Jalan Anak Bukit Condo URA Concept Tender
One of the best selling points of The Reserve Residences is its proximity to educational institutions. The property is located within walking distance to several schools, including Methodist Girls’ School and Nanyang Junior College. The condominium is also close to MRT stations, making commuting to school easy and quick. There are many other benefits to living in the Reserve Residences. Listed below are the schools and facilities nearby.
The Reserve Residences offers residents easy access to the MRT station, as well as other important establishments in the area. The project will be within a one to two-kilometer radius of the MRT station. Residents will have convenient access to schools, as well as to local and international institutions. The Reserve Residences is especially ideal for families with school-age children, since it is situated near a MRT station.
Residents of HDB flats and private condominiums must submit concept proposals and tender rates in Form A. Concept proposals must meet a set of criteria, including a plot ratio. If the proposed project has a small plot ratio, the concept will not be shortlisted. If a concept proposal meets these criteria, the developer will be contacted to discuss the project in more detail. The URA Concept Tender process will take approximately three months.
The Reserve Residences Condo URA Concept Tending by Far East won’t start until 2022. The developer plans to build a variety of one and two-bedroom units, and the project is conveniently located near Orchard Road and the Botanic Gardens. Its estimated price range is $1,800 to two-hundred square feet. A seasoned property consultant estimates the final selling price to be closer to $2000 per square foot.
The Reserve Residences Condo is located in a residential estate, surrounded by the beauty world precinct. Its proposed development will feature a transportation hub, retail, food and beverage, and other compatible uses. The Reserve Residences is located in a GLS zone, which means it is close to the Jalan Anak Bukit MRT station and other amenities.
The Reserve Residences Condo URA Concept Tending by Far East is a unique project in Singapore, with more than two million square feet of gross floor area. It will have a shopping and transportation hub, as well as a beauty world revitalization. The URA will evaluate the concept proposals and shortlist four, based on the cost, and design concepts submitted by each bidder.